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Few years ago, people like to listen news on internet by online radio. However, this way to get news did not really match with people who have many activities. When people want to listen something from online radio, at least they have to know the time of the broadcast itself. If they do not stay tuned or streaming on the online radio, they might be lost the broadcasting. From this case, some people came up with the idea of 'a non-streaming online radio'.
Based on that case 'podcast' was born, it’s well known as ‘a non-streamed digital media’. The word podcast is stands from the word pod and cast. Pod means playable or personal demand, and cast means broadcast. So, podcast also means radio with concept anytime and anywhere (broadcasting digital media).
How you use a podcast? How to play it? Podcast is an audio media file, so it’s a mp3 format. You can play a podcast with only by using an ordinary audio player / mp3 player. You don’t need to have an iPod to listen it. Something special about podcast is free! We can subscribe it. We do not need to visit the site to find new episode or series of podcast.