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In many schools teachers usually treats the students in the same way, because they don’t know that the students is different. Students have different multiple intelligences. Teachers teach like there’s only one intelligence for all students. So, it will be better if teachers teach students based on their intelligence but still using the same material.
We know that there are eight multiple intelligences, such as verbal linguistic, logical mathematical, visual spatial, musical rhythmic, bodily kinesthetic, interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, naturalist intelligence. Every student has all of the intelligences, but some might be more dominant than the others. The dominant intelligences of each student are not the same. Teacher should teach and assess differently based on individual strengths and weaknesses.
Teachers should know when the multiple intelligences apply in their teaching. Teachers can apply multiple intelligences based learning in all subjects. However, teachers can not apply all of the intelligences in one activity in the same time for the students. For example, group discussion about eco energy (nature). This group discussion really can match with verbal-Linguistic, interpersonal, and naturalistic. So the students who have this intelligence can really understand about the material. However, that’s not the only one intelligences that the teacher can apply to their students. For the students which have different intelligences like verbal-linguistic, etc; can use another way to match other students’ intelligence. For example, journal writing – intrapersonal, verbal or linguistic; play a drama – musical; verbal or linguistic, interpersonal, visual-spatial.
Teachers also should know how to assess the students’ multiple intelligence in classroom activities. When applying MI, teachers should emphasize on students’ understanding. Teachers should give them assignment that supporting HOTS (higher order thinking skills) or Bloom’s Taxonomy. Teachers can use the tool to support them in assess the students, for example: by using rubric. Both of teacher and students know what is expected from an assignment, so students can give the best result based on their own strong intelligences, and also developing another intelligences they weak on. In think, teachers can use some ways to improve students’ multiple intelligence. For example, give them freedom to choose their own technique to perform their understanding. Allow them to present their written report with oral presentation, role play, painting, or their own web or blog. Another example is give them more opportunity to work in a group that consists of various intelligences so they can complete each other in finishing their tasks.
Download the ppt file for MI (multiple intelligences) here.Fine more ppt for multiple intelligences here. :)
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