Wednesday, January 5, 2011

[HS 1] National Culture Preservation

Garuda is Indonesia
This is my critical essay for my HS 1 class. I hope you enjoy read it. Please give your comment about my essay. :)
Thank you.
Menambah Perisai Budaya Untuk Globalisasi Hallyu
Saat ini memang tengah berlangsung Gelombang Korea (Korean Wave) atau sering disebut Hallyu. Hallyu mengacu pada popularitas budaya pop Korea Selatan yang meningkat secara signifikan di seluruh dunia. Demam Hallyu tidak hanya menyerang berbagai belahan dunia, budaya yang berasal dari negeri ginseng ini pun mulai menyebar memasuki wilayah Indonesia. Penyebaran Hallyu yang sejatinya berisi tradisi dan budaya pop Korea Selatan ini tentu akan berdampak pada budaya Indonesia. Dengan demikian menyebar luasnya pengaruh budaya Hallyu, akan memainkan peranan penting dalam meningkatkan jati diri bangsa Korea. Budaya Hallyu dapat tetap diterima di tengah-tengah budaya kita. Banyak hal-hal baik yang dapat diambil dari pengaruh tradisi budaya Hallyu ini untuk memelihara, melindungi, menjaga serta meningkatkan jati diri bangsa Indonesia melalui kekayaan budaya yang kita miliki.

[UET] English Teacher and Storytelling

In, UET class, we had lesson about storytelling. As an english teacher, I think storytelling is important and an obligatory things to do in teaching the students. With storytelling, students can improve their listening skill and also speaking skill when they also do the storytelling in the class.

Analogies, anecdotes, parables, fables, metaphors and idioms are all storytelling methods for imparting wisdom or making a point. Frequently, such methods represent a far more effective way to achieve this than through a plain presentation of facts. Here are five tips to help you find your story voice.

1. Leap and the net will appear

Start turning personal experiences into stories for your presentations. It's important that you remember that experiences don't automatically equate to stories, it's how you relate them that does.  Sharing such experiences innevitably requires you to be willing to talk publicly about what are essentially private events. This requires a leap of both faith and imagination, however once you have taken the initial plunge you wil find that you quickly become comfortable doing so.