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Analogies, anecdotes, parables, fables, metaphors and idioms are all storytelling methods for imparting wisdom or making a point. Frequently, such methods represent a far more effective way to achieve this than through a plain presentation of facts. Here are five tips to help you find your story voice.
1. Leap and the net will appear
Start turning personal experiences into stories for your presentations. It's important that you remember that experiences don't automatically equate to stories, it's how you relate them that does. Sharing such experiences innevitably requires you to be willing to talk publicly about what are essentially private events. This requires a leap of both faith and imagination, however once you have taken the initial plunge you wil find that you quickly become comfortable doing so.
After you become comfortable sharing personal stories, you can begin to include your observations of other people's behavior and then move on to paraphrasing and adapting fables, parables, fairy tales, literature and urban legends.You will quickly build a repertoire of narratives that you will be able to adapt to complement and enhance presentations on a surprisingly wide range of topics.
After you become comfortable sharing personal stories, you can begin to include your observations of other people's behavior and then move on to paraphrasing and adapting fables, parables, fairy tales, literature and urban legends.You will quickly build a repertoire of narratives that you will be able to adapt to complement and enhance presentations on a surprisingly wide range of topics.
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2. Collect stories from a variety of sources
In the real world, literature and the media stories abound. Start a notebook or database to improve your access to those you like. When you know a good story, sooner or later you will find a way to weave it into a presentation. Many popular childrens books are an excellent source of material.
3. Learn the characteristics of a good story
Take time to learn what makes a good story, one that people can relate to and will learn from. Look for the following points:
- It is told well
- The plot involves a transformation
- The storyteller is sincere
- The story fits the occasion
- The characters come alive
- The audience can relate to the story
- The story addresses the issues at hand
4. Observe how professional presenters use stories
Professional presenters regularly use stories, especially personal ones, in their presentations and publications. When you hear a professional presenter speak, observe their use of stories. Good presenters will use stories for a variety of purposes among which include to:
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- Provide humor
- Clarify and illustrate meaning
- Make points memorable
- Bridge cultural gaps
- Identify with the particular audience
- Persuade the audience to their point of view
- Encourage thinking
- Inspire people to act
- Build a shared vision
- Relieve tension
- Raise the energy level of the group
- Introduce controversial issues
5. Broaden your storytelling horizons
Try attending a storytelling event or making the acquaintance of a professional storyteller. Observe how school teachers tell stories to the children in their class. Each time you listen to someone other than yourself tell a story, try to see how their performance can be used to enhance your own. Lastly, there are many websites and books that focus on storytelling skills, take the time to do some research by visting these sites and the local library.
cr: Ahndesu
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