I've done final-test for Humanistic Studies 1. For HS 1 we have to do campaign project about a topic. The topic was decide by my lecturer, Ibu Nisa. The campaign should be done in a group. The topic for my group is globalization vs culture preservation (I really love this topic, by the way ^__^).So, based on the theme, me and my group created a video and a poster to do our campaign.
During the campaign was the hardest time for this project. It's because the message in our campaign should be well delivered to the target, and the target is senior high school students. It's difficult to know the real feeling of the audiences, because the target played by our classmates (-_-'). However I hope they enjoyed their time with my group. ^___^
In the end of the campaign, Ibu Nisa gave feedback for our campaign on that day. She said, our campaign was really good. We were ready with everything, that's why we got honor from Bu Nisa to be the first group in campaign. So happy with this. ^___^
This is the poster of my group campaign. Made by me and Arsy (my partner for pair project: poster):
![]() |
Pair Project: Poster (by: me and Arsy Trilaksono) |
(The description of poster in Indonesian language, by the way)
Download the description of the poster here.
Download the high quality version of the poster here.
Enjoy :) !
cr: Ahndesu @Media Fire
Besides poster, the other campaign aid was a video. The other team mates made this video.
Here, I attached the non full version video of our campaign. Because the full version haven't upload yet. The owner of this might be think that the video is a private video. However I need the video to attach here. I already asked her permission. So, if you take the video out to the other website or it used for your other businesses; please take it out with full credit. OK? :)
Here is the non full version video:
Pair Project: Video (by: Nellis, Nunu and Eka). This video made by Nunu.
cr: nunuzone @YouTube
This is the scenario of our campaign it you might to know. :)
I hope you can enjoy and feel our campaign too through this poster and video.
Thank you. ^___^
cr: Ahndesu
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