I've done final-test for Humanistic Studies 1. For HS 1 we have to do campaign project about a topic. The topic was decide by my lecturer, Ibu Nisa. The campaign should be done in a group. The topic for my group is globalization vs culture preservation (I really love this topic, by the way ^__^).So, based on the theme, me and my group created a video and a poster to do our campaign.
^o^ Welcoming The Sophomore ^o^
Sunday, January 9, 2011
[LTM] Brown’s Twelve Principles in Classroom
cr: www.brown.edu |
From my last school experience I found few of twelve principles in classroom activities. From the classroom interaction, I notice that not all of twelve principles can be found during teaching and learning activities. I found it from observation and also from interview. The twelve principles that I’ve found are automaticity, the application of reward, strategic investment, the native language effect, and communicative competence.
I found the automaticity principle from the interview result of my master teacher. I asked him about students who have fluency or can answer faster then the others in class. My master teacher answered that only few of the students who more expert or master in English subject. For example student which name is W***. Whenever he asked her (the student), she will answer it immediately. She is different from other students which usually must have longer time to think the answer first. She speaks fluently even though some of the pronunciations were wrong. From this case, I realized that she is good in changing her language from her own native language to the second language. She has automaticity to controls the process in changing the language. That was why she can immediately answer the teacher before the other students answer the teacher.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
[TLL] ICT in Language Learning
cr: http://farm4.static.flickr.com |
Nowadays, teaching and learning activities closely related to ICT. According to Graham Davies which states that since over fifty years ago ICT has been develop and affect to the new way of learning and teaching activities in language learning. Recently, so many schools had complete facilities for learning and teaching activities with some media, for example ICT. As well as the school where I did the school experience, this school also has media technologies. This school has good facilities to facilitate the teacher and the students to have a better learning and teaching process in school. Seeing those technologies, I wonder if my master teacher had used this technology in his teaching.
My master teacher did teach the students using some media technologies, but most of them are kind of old technologies such as tape recorder, VCD player, LCD projector (if he needs to use it) and personal laptop. He also told me that he often to search materials or worksheet from internet.
Friday, January 7, 2011
[MP] Stop Motion Video
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Stop Motion |
I learn about stop motion on MP class. This is very new one for me to know what is stop motion. Stop motion video is about video based on pictures. Stop motion talking about one object in video which is looks like do some movement or motion whereas it do not move at all. Only the background and surroundings that are move, but the object do not.
A video of stop motion video can be made by only using Windows Movie Maker. It's quite easy to make it. :)
Here are a tutorial video about stop motion. Watch this video carefully to learn how to make stop motion video.
video cr: @chuckD0Tstax
I can't find the pdf tutorial for stop motion. I'm sorry. Later, if I get the pdf tutorial, I'll update this post. :)
cr: Ahndesu
[PETA] Teaching Asisstance Reflection 2nd Week (Effective and Ineffective)
cr: http://zahraflower.files.wordpress.com |
“This is the time!” that was the word which came out of my mind when second week of school experience come. Yes, second week of school experience had come to do team teaching. I was so nervous because have to teach in class, more nervous because that was the first time to teach in class. There are so many plans that came out of my mind to prepare everything in class. I thought how to handled the students if they do not pay attention or how to raise my volume of voice if they noisy and so on. Well, before my “team teaching” do teach the students in class, of course we have to see how is the master teacher teaches his students (even we did it in first week, but we have to observe again in the second week to more prepare our self in teaching later. By observe his way of teaching, we think that we can use the effective way like he did (of course we have to do something more interesting and better than he didJ) and remove the ineffective thing of his way.
Unfortunately, I forgot that during the school experience my master teacher didn’t have material to teach. During first and second week of our school experience, he only has examination and drama performance in class. I couldn’t observe anything I need to finish this journal. Then, I wasn’t give up at all to know what something effective and ineffective from his way of teaching. So I move to his lesson plan that really good to develop students’ aspects. I think that his lesson plan was really good and perfect. From his lesson plan, it seems that my master teacher is an update teacher because he uses so many sources of materials to teach the students.